Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monster Bio #1

The Sontarans

Origin: Planet Sontar
Encountered Doctors: Second,
Third, Fourth, Sixth, Tenth, Eleventh
Description: Short, strong creatures
in humanoid form, with rounded,
potato like heads.

   The race of Sontarans, are extremely dedicated to total war, in fact, they were bred for war. They have been in a epic fight with the Rutan Host for millennia. They even tried to invade Gallifrey, the planet of the Time Lords. The Sontarans will attack any planet or person, if they feel it will give them a strategic advantage over their enemies.

     Their home world (Sontar) is a planet with high gravity,which explains somewhat, the Sontarans, stunted growth. The Sontarans reproduce by cloning. It takes them roughly four minutes to create around 1 million clones. Since they are all clones, all of them are identical. The Sontarans also have a great sense of honour, despite their ruthlessness and brutality.

     The Sontarans can be stunned by a blow to the probic vent. Which is a small hole in their armor at the base of their neck. They believe, because of this, that they always have to face their enemies in battle. Even if it means that they will die.

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